Rain hampers Ducati testing at Mugello

Those big black clouds and rain that helped Valentino Rossi at Le Mans on Sunday has followed Ducati across the border to Italy and all the way to Mugello and instead of helping them is now hindering the Ducati team’s important test activities for the umpteenth time.
Rossi and Hayden were supposed to test a batch of new parts, instead everyone from Troy Bayliss to the mechanics are huddled around the espresso machine waiting to see if the track drys out before venturing outside.

Bayliss attempted to write in Italian on his Facebook page and posted this: “Buongiorno A tutti , soon qui a Mugello, tempo di Merda, ma con mia sqaudra e Caffe , Allora non fretta per andre a pista , TB 21″ which translated means Good morning everyone, I’m here at Mugello.
Shitty weather, but with my team and coffee.
Not hurrying to get on track.
The former World Champion speaks better Italian than he writes it (like yours truly) and like everyone who picks up a second or third language, cuss words are the first that you learn.

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