“Quick Pasta for Busy Summers”

If you’re in a rush and need a quick meal, pasta is the best solution. Having a couple of packs of fresh egg pasta stocked in your refrigerator can save the day as it cooks speedily. For an exceptionally swift, fulfilling meal, choose fresh tortellini. I always enrich it by tossing in added tomatoes or sliced courgette, coupled with a rich tomato sauce or some fresh spinach leaves. To concoct a speedy lasagne-inspired meal, arrange Ragu-filled tortellini with tomato sauce and slices of mozzarella – the epitome of an effortless summer pasta bake.

My top choice is this uncomplicated spaghetti dish. I utilise fresh egg spaghetti that can be cooked within 3 to 4 minutes. With a mini chopper at hand, I dice the tomatoes, which I then blend with crushed garlic, shredded basil, salt and pepper. This mixture could be prepared up to four hours ahead, covered and left at room temperature so the flavours can better blend. Stir in some freshly grated Parmesan before serving, and accompany it with a substantial green salad or garlic bread.

Sometimes, I also incorporate a can of drained butterbeans into the dish. While it may appear as an unconventional pairing, it’s an excellent method to turn the meal into something heartier and provides much-needed protein to create a balanced dish.

This plate can be further enhanced by topping it with grilled chicken or adding a jar of olive oil-packed tuna. Preserved and canned foods such as sardines, tuna, beans and lentils are incredibly practical pantry staples that enable the creation of speedy, balanced dishes throughout the bustling summer period when cooking is least appealing.

The success of this dish hugely relies on the quality of the tomatoes. The tomatoes remain raw and only slightly warm when mixed with the hot spaghetti, letting their flavour profile flourish. Celebrate your home-grown summer tomatoes as they take the spotlight in this dish. Using different colours of heirloom varieties can turn this plate into a true tomato feast. It’s an exceptional dish in which children can lend a hand.

Recipe: Five-minute summer spaghetti
Lilly’s tips for the kitchen:

– Storing pine nuts can be an expensive affair, with the risk of them becoming rancid rather quickly. Hence, I keep them in the freezer. Toasted sunflower seeds, being more cost-effective, can serve as a suitable alternative while providing the same nutty crunch to the dish.
– Keep a jar of toasted seeds handy in the kitchen. They are great to add in summer salads and pasta dishes like this one that demand a bit of texture and extra nutrients.

Cultivate oregano and marjoram in your own yard instead of basil. This is my usual preference as it thrives abundantly in the Irish climate, eliminating the need to purchase basil that’s been transported halfway around the world. Stroll into your garden anytime and simply pluck a bunch; it’s incredibly healthy. This makes it an ideal ingredient for a diverse summer curry that is plant-based and can be relished by the entire family.
