Psychiatric Nurses Strike in West

Members of the Psychiatric Nurses Association (PNA) are set to begin targeted industrial action in Galway, Roscommon, and Mayo on Tuesday morning. The union is in a disagreement with the Health Service Executive (HSE) regarding staffing numbers and has condemned the perceived failure to employ all obtainable psychiatric nursing graduates within specific zones of the nation. The union is left with no alternative but to proceed with the action, which was deferred multiple times to enable discussion with management, especially in the aforementioned counties.

PNA general secretary, Peter Hughes, expressed deep disappointment over the unresolved issue in these regions. He felt that this contradicted the HSE’s previous claims in February of incorporating all graduate psychiatric nurses into their services.

Employees in these regions will enact a ‘work to rule’ action plan, abstaining from taking certain calls, participating in non-essential training, enabling groups outside scheduled hours, or partaking in non-medical meetings.

Mr Hughes cautioned that the HSE’s failure to induct these specialized graduates into the mental health services could result in losing them to the private sector or abroad. He considered it shocking that the HSE was even considering ignoring this issue, particularly when mental health services are currently understaffed by approximately 700 positions, and sustained by agency staff and overtime.

The recruitment of graduate nurses is crucial given the estimated 500 existing personnel who leave yearly due to retirement or other circumstances. Mr Hughes criticized the HSE, stating that its lack of urgency to resolve the graduate recruitment issue in the areas of contention was inexcusable.

The HSE, meanwhile, acknowledged the action would impact its mental health area in West North West and stated its ongoing efforts to rectify the present issues.
