Prompt Decisions

Dear Editor, – Your perspective on the French elections in “The French Election Outcome: Macron’s Risk Doesn’t Pay Off, Far-Right Prevented from Winning” (9th July) shares a view that President Emmanuel Macron’s sudden call for an election “blew up in his face”. This is undoubtedly accurate, mirroring the situation with Rishi Sunak over the channel. It’s also worth noting that we’re probably heading towards a highly volatile election this November across the Atlantic.
Your article suggested that Macron’s move represented a high-risk strategy. The same could be said of a prospective autumn election call or allowing the current term to run until March 2025 by our own Government. Either way, they should brace for a “competitive political showdown”. Regards,
Co Cavan.

Written by Staff

The term “Magnum opus” refers to the most significant or greatest work of an artist, writer, or composer

“Where did all the bees disappear to?”