Probe after Cork Prison trespass

The Irish Prison Service (IPS) has acknowledged an unauthorised intrusion on the former Cork Prison premises, providing support to An Garda Síochána as they investigate this issue. In a TikTok video, an individual records himself touring around the long-abandoned prison, complimenting its state of dilapidation as one of the best he’s observed. This individual, who routinely uploads content featuring decaying structures, highlighted the prison that was erected as a holding facility by the British army in 1806, part of Victoria Barracks, but ceased operations in 2016.

The IPS, in an official announcement, underlined its commitment to the protection of all properties within the prison estate, though declined to offer details on security or operational issues. They warned the public against attempting to gain unauthorised access to the old prison due to safety concerns, stating that any cases would be referred to the gardaí.

Concerning the ex-prison’s destiny, the IPS revealed that engineering consultants were examining the site to provide an estimate of its possible future utilisation. They will then mull over the potential options for short-term, medium-term and long-term implementation. The IPS highlighted that the prison was in a dire state when it shuttered, citing that the Inspector of Prisons and the Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture had raised multiple concerns in numerous reports over time.

The IPS acknowledged that a 2012 feasibility study revealed “severe shortcomings” in the physical conditions of the facility. According to them, “major health and safety issues” led to the prison’s closure and the subsequent establishment of a new prison on the adjacent Rathmore Road, which commenced operations in 2016.

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