Priti Patel was accused of not taking domestic dog theft seriously

Priti Patel has been accused of not taking dog theft seriously. She promised to condemn dog thieves, but she has done nothing to help dog owners. 

Home Secretary Priti Patel has been accused of not taking pet dog theft seriously. In February 2021, she defined this crime absolutely shocking, and she also promised to prevent it or to condemn dog thieves. But up to this moment, she has done nothing in order to help stolen dogs’ owners.

The rise of dog thefts

Reports for dog theft have dramatically increased. This sharp rise has followed a surge in pet purchasing. In 2020, and especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, more than three million UK households have purchased a pet.

This has led to the fact that in 2020, 465 dogs were stolen. It’s a number much higher than the 172 dog thefts recorded in 2019.

Priti Pratel’s response to dog theft

This issue involves Ms Patel since October 2020. The Home Secretary said she wanted to impose new mesures against dog theft. However, it seems that nothing has been done.

Even though Priti Patel stated that she was looking at what she could do in order to prevent dog theft, when people requested a metting with her to discuss pet theft, Home Office answered that they didn’t hold any information about this problem.

Pet owners’ worries

A Liberal Democrat spokesman for the environment, Tim Farron expressed his concern about Ms Patel’s lack of interest in this subject. He said that the Home Secretary is not treating dog theft with the seriousness that it deserves.

Mr Farron also stated that dog theft should be considered a specific crime, and treated with much more gravity. That’s because nowadays pets are a very important part of families. He hoped that Ms Patel understands the importance of this matter and that she will do something in order to help dog owners.

While waiting for new laws concerning this subject, institutions are encouraging pet owners to be particularly vigilant. They advised people to take extra precautions, in order to protect their pets from being stolen.


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