Priti Patel: Liverpool bombing connected to ‘dysfunctional’ asylum system’

Based on reports, Ms Patel stated this case explained why the government was reasonable to reform the asylum system.

Responded to what happened in Liverpool, Priti Patel mentioned the suspect in the suicide bombing in Liverpool was able to abuse Britain’s “dysfunctional” asylum system to survive in the UK.

Priti Patel: Liverpool bombing connected to ‘dysfunctional’ asylum system’

The home secretary claimed that a “whole industry” was applied to protecting the rights of somebody purpose of causing outrage.

How Liverpool’s bomber stayed in the UK

Emad Al Swealmeen or Enzo Almeni reportedly arrived from the Middle East in 2014. He had an asylum application denied the following year, but continued in the UK.

Based on reports, Ms Patel stated this case explained why the government was reasonable to reform the asylum system.

Patel completely commented about Liverpool and immigrant

Ms Patel said: “It’s a whole merry-go-round and it has been abused. The professional legal services industry has based itself on the fairness of attraction at the cost of the taxpayers through legal aid. That is what we need to adjust.”

He also added these people have come to England and abused the values of the country and society. It made a whole industry that thinks it’s appropriate to support these individuals that cause the most horrifying crimes against British citizens.

International trade secretary, Anne-Marie Trevelyan, responded, “I trust that Ms Patel judgement of that situation.” The timeframe in which the bomber came to the UK was at a time when the system didn’t work as productively as it does now under her leadership.

Tag: Terrorism