“Principle of Armed Forces Non-alignment”

It seems ironic that some of the most compelling reasons for Ireland to retain its neutrality are proposed by the chief of staff of the Defence Forces, Lieutenant General Seán Clancy. Lieutenant General Clancy’s appointment to the top military position in the European Union suggests that military neutrality was well-regarded by the other appointing committee members, otherwise he would have been unsuccessful in his application.

His perspective is that maintaining an independent stance from NATO provides Ireland with a level of “transparency and objectivity” that aims to facilitate the building of consensus among committee members. The argument for the significance of remaining unbiased, clear, and neutral in situations of conflict powerfully encapsulates why it is essential for Ireland to retain its neutral status.

Opposing viewpoints which suggest that Ireland should join NATO are dismissed as ‘foolish nonsense’. This trend of thought seems prevalent among some, but as per Lieutenant General Clancy’s remarks, the complex dynamics of hostage situations, for example, echo the unseen impact on families’ lives and decisively underline the importance of Ireland’s neutrality. – Kind regards,

Sean Keavney
Dublin 15.
