Prince Edward’s interview for his father’s 100th birthday

Discover how the Royal family is doing with both Meghan and Harry and today's Duke's of Edinburg birthday.

Prince Edwards, the Queens’s youngest son and Earl of Wessex has released an interview for his father’s, Prince Philip, 100th birthday. Some questions were also asked about Harry and Meghan and the tension’s with the Royal family.

Prince Edward’s interview for his father’s 100th birthday

After all the family has passed though since January last year when the “Megxit” took place, Edward’s only comments are:

“It’s very sad, weirdly we’ve all been there before, we’ve all had excessive intrusion and attention in our lives, and we’ve all dealt with it in slightly different ways. And, listen, we wish them the very best of luck, it’s a really hard decision. Fantastic news about the baby, that’s great. I hope they will be very happy and it’s just families are families, aren’t they, really? It’s difficult for everyone, but as I say that’s families for you.”

Besides this statement he stays out of the royal rift and he describes it as “the safest place to be”. Of course there is sadness in the situation, but he also adds that whoever belong to the royal family has passed through this same spotlight, intrusions are part of the business – how you deal with them is personal.

Prince Edward will be the following inheriting, when his mother will die, the title of Duke of Edinburgh and therefore taking his father’s place.

Prince Philip would have turned a 100 today

Today it would have been Prince Philip 100th birthday, unfortunately as we know he passed out of the 9th of April this year, leaving Queen Elizabeth after 73 years of marriage. Prince Edward was asked how the Queen was dealing with her loss and his reply was “remarkable well”. A country under lockdown kept her busy helping her coping with the grief. He adds that Philip never always claimed that there would be nothing worse than reaching a 100.

This morning Queen Elizabeth wore a blue dress, white cardigan and sunglasses and watched the planting of the Duke of Edinburgh Rose – a commemorative rose to mark his centenary and all the marvelous things he did – in the gardens of the Windsor Castle.

The rose is a gift from the Royal Horticultural Society and for each of the roses sold, the firm will donate £2,50 to The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Living Legacy Fund – helping out 1 minion youths.
