Priest Abuse Known Churchwide: Archbishop

Archbishop Dermot Farrell of Dublin has criticised the Catholic church’s handling of clerical child abuse cases in an interview with an American conservative Catholic TV station. He stated that responsibility for the abuse was layered upon victims, with those in control making no attempts to address the violators’ actions. Abuse culprits were permitted to stay in position or relocated due to a misplaced belief that it was the victims that were the root of the problem rather than the abusers themselves.

Archbishop Farrell argued that shifting the wrongdoers elsewhere was seen as a resolution. Survivors were wrongfully blamed and stigmatised, while the church administrators refused to confront the sexual nature of the crimes which, in part, remained undisclosed and greatly guarded.

The Archbishop condemned the widespread denial, suppression, and disregard. He also asserted that the issue was largely dismissed and no one wanted to accept it was pervasive across society.

The interview, part of an EWTN (Eternal World Television Network) special report titled ‘Survivors of Sexual Abuse Speak Out in Ireland’, included a dialogue with David Ryan, a victim of abuse from Blackrock.

In conversation with reporter Colm Flynn, Archbishop Farrell acknowledged that knowledge of clerical child sex abuse permeated all levels of the church. He revealed that not only did priests’ peers suspect impropriety, but that bishops were also aware due to their role in relocating culprits. His comments reflected on the culture of fierce protectionism within the church, allowing serial abusers to continue operating.

He conceded that the expectations for clergy members are indeed elevated. “Indeed. There’s an inherent expectation of elevated ethical values, truthfulness, and avoiding duplicity. Thus, these elements are all vital features. A greater standard is anticipated from the Catholic Church’s clergy.”

When it comes to matters of the broader church, “every baptised individual must confront it by listening and comprehending the narratives, and acknowledging their truth,” he declared.

“We have financially recompensed victims who have approached us, handling their cases as swiftly and efficiently as we can. As for the religious organisations, they have resolved many situations when they became informed of them and were approached,” he stated.

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