Porsche 911 GT3 RS 4.0 new minisite pics

Can’t get enough of the new Porsche 911 GT3 RS 4.
0? Here are more pics of the latest Porsche GT3 model from the GT3 RS 4.
0 minisite.
If you’re interested in the technical side of things, more details are available on the site, including information like the dry carter and Boch Motronic electronic engine management system.

The large interior roll bar is part of the ClubSport package which gives the GT3 RS 4.
0 its more racing characteristics.
Three types of seats are available: carbon fibre shells, leather and alcantara with manual adjustment each weighing 10 kg, or light alloy which also comes in a sports version with airbags and electric adjustment.
On the aesthetic side of things, the new Porsche GT3 RS 4.
0 is available in the white version we’ve already seen, a red/black version or a totally black model.
Porsche 911 GT3 RS 4.
0 new pics

Written by Newshub.co.uk Unit

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