Pope Urges US Catholics’ Choice

Pope Francis voiced critical views of the policies of both former US president Donald Trump, for his stance towards immigrants, and vice-president Kamala Harris for her advocacy of abortion rights. During a press conference with reporters on the flight back to Rome from Singapore, he suggested that refusing to welcome immigrants is a significant moral error and drew parallels between abortion and murder.

He remained non-specific as to whom US Catholics should vote for in the November elections, hinting that they may have to opt for the ‘lesser evil’, though he declined to clarify further.

Returning from an exhaustive 12-day expedition through southeast Asia and Oceania, Francis addressed the journalists at the press conference without explicitly naming Trump and Harris, yet unmistakably condemning their policies and making direct references to their respective sexes. Regardless of his criticism, he insisted that Catholics must cast their votes.

The octogenarian pontiff expressed disapproval of abstention, insisting that it is essential to vote. He left the decision to individual voters to decipher who the ‘lesser evil’ might be.

The US Catholic populace, around 52 million people, holds significant sway as potential swing voters in some decisive states, including Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, where Catholics comprise over 20% of the adult populace.

Though normally reticent about commenting on national political elections, Francis, who leads approximately 1.4 billion Catholics worldwide, often denounces abortion, a practice condemned by Catholic doctrine, in emphatic terms. He had earlier criticised Trump for his unwelcoming attitude towards immigrants, going to the extent of labelling his views as unchristian during the 2016 elections.

Francis was forthright in condemning both candidates’ policies as contrary to the preservation of life. He equated the activities of repelling immigrants and aborting foetuses as both being antagonistic to life.

Former President Trump is stand firm in his commitment to combat illegal immigration, promising to deport millions of immigrants present unlawfully in the US should he win a second term. His decline to dismiss the possibility of constructing detention facilities for undocumented immigrants has also been highlighted.

In contrast, Ms Harris has made vows to endorse any bills passed by the US Congress which aim to restore national norms safeguarding abortion accessibility. These protections had been dismissed by the Supreme Court in their 2022 Dobbs ruling.

Both political figures had a lively discussion on these topics in what was their premier confrontation in a presidential debate held on a Wednesday. According to most surveys, the race appears quite close, with a slight lead in favour of Harris.

Pope Francis has underlined migration as a fundamental right, drawing from Biblical texts that emphasize the importance of caring for orphans, outsiders, and widows. In failing to show openness towards immigrants, he indicated that society was committing a grave transgression.

Additionally, Pope Francis condemned abortion, describing it as the act of murdering a human. He asserted that no justification could be provided for such an act, referring to it as a killing.

Within the United States, how to prioritise political matters has been at the heart of debate among bishops who have been providing election guidance during each presidential cycle since 2007-08, along with occasional updates.

In the latest edition released in November 2023, the document emphasises the issue of abortion as a paramount concern for Catholics.

Thomson Reuters holds the copyright for the provided information, dated 2024.

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