Plastic waste in Turkey: Greenpeace asks UK to provide

Greenpeace: no more plastic waste from UK to Turkey, which is now the largest landfill in Europe.

The Greenpeace organization has urged Britain to act after plastic waste from the country is still being disposed off in other countries such as Turkey. The problem is that this waste is disposed of in place where it’s not permitted, such as by the side of the road.

Greenpeace: no more plastic waste from UK to Turkey

Environmental activists and Greenpeace are calling for the British Government to intervene. That’s because the country continues to dump its waste elsewhere. According to reports, these plastic materials are being disposed off and burned in southern Turkey, but illegally. This waste is also in fields or in water, where they float and release harmful substances.

The evidence that all this waste comes from the very UK, they provide it themselves. In fact, all the packaging is from the main British shops and supermarkets. Among other things, there was also a package of a test for the Covid-19, proving that the waste has less than a year. Nihan Temiz Ataş highlighted how plastic waste is a threat and poses risks to the environment.

In fact, every day, about 240 trucks arrive in Turkey with plastic waste, from all over Europe. This makes the country the largest landfill in the UE. The demand is that the UK Government take this issue seriously. They could, for example, ban exports of this waste and reduce disposable plastic.
