Places to see in Italy: botanic garden on Isola Madre, lake Maggiore

Spring has arrived and nature is slowing coming out of its winter lethargy which we know is only partial since trees and plants are not dormant during that season but just preparing to blossom.
So if you are in Italy and love trees, flowers and old places, you must visit Isola Madre, the biggest island of the Borromeo Archipelago on Lake Maggiore.

The island boasts one of the oldest and most beautiful botanic gardens in Italy.
The old manor house (built in17th century) is surrounded by rare flowers and trees (among which the famous Kashmir cypress, the biggest in Europe) imported by faraway countries.
From April to May the place is literally abloom with wonders.
Beautiful, vibrant flowers that will take your breath away; wisterias, rhododendrons, azaleas and camellias that are a real feast for the eyes.
Visitors will also be able to see two important art exhibitions; one devoted to porcelain items, including old dolls and the other to beautiful puppets from 17 – 19th century.
For more information on how to reach the island please click here!Isola Madre
