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What are the most beautiful pink beaches in the world?
Forget the classic white beaches. No, it’s not magic, and even Photoshop, are real pink beaches located along the coast of Italy and around the world. The beach holidays are definitely one of the favorite periods for everyone. Lying in the sun and relaxing in the crystal clear waters is the perfect holiday idea. To make it even more beautiful can be definitely the type of beach. Many are obsessed with pink beaches, a unique color that usually makes these places magical. This particular shade of sand comes from the union of calcium carbonate produced by some micro organisms with some shells and corals.
So what are the most beautiful pink beaches in the world? They are perfect places to take photos.
The small island of Budelli in the Maddalena archipelago, in Sardinia, is one of the most particular beaches in Italy. In fact, at Cala di Roto lies a soft coat of pink sand due to the presence of calcareous shells of the micro-organism Miniacinia miniacea. This incredible pink beach is the only one in Italy and is definitely worth a visit.