Pet-Friendly Holidays: How to Spend Christmas with Pets

Sharing Christmas with our four-legged friends makes everything more exciting. However, they also need special attention during the holidays. For example, you may have to choose their menu or to organize any trips with them. If that’s the case, here are some tips for spending petfriendly holidays.

Pet-Friendly Holidays: How to Set Up Your Home

Spending Christmas with our pets is pleasant – but not always relaxing. For example, some dogs or cats enjoy wandering around our lovingly decorated Christmas tree or playing with the decorations around the house.

In this case, we must first of all keep everything out of their reach, or at least as protected as possible. For example, it would be good to place the Christmas tree in a corner of the room. In this way, in fact, if it fell accidentally, it would be protected on at least three sides. It is also important to keep the wires and sockets well hidden behind the tree. This will prevent dogs and cats from touching them. Another tip is to avoid glass decorations and balls at least in the lower parts of the tree. If possible, finally create a protective barrier with bulky packages and gifts to prevent access too close to the Christmas tree.

Christmas Gifts and Menu for Pets

For many of us, the most awaited moment of Christmas is to unwrap the gifts under the tree. So why shouldn’t it be the same for our puppies too? Choose a small gift, such as an appetizing snack to discard, a warm cover for their kennel, or a new kennel. Your four-legged friend will be thrilled.

The most popular gift for pets is undoubtedly the food. You don’t have to think of a special menu for your pets – you just need to offer them a special snack to make them happy. The important thing is not to offer them leftovers from your dishes. Overly elaborate, seasoned or, even worse, sweet dishes can hurt their stomachs or cause unpleasant discomfort.

Christmas Holidays with Animals

Those who choose to spend Christmas outside and are planning petfriendly holidays will also have to consider other factors. For example, cats are sensitive to the cold, they love to stay warm, maybe dozing on their owner’s legs. So, make sure that the place you choose has the right temperatures for the well-being of your cat. Dogs, on the other hand, love to run or walk in the middle of nature with their owner. So make sure that there is enough space for your dog to run close to the facility you’re staying in.

Written by Unit

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