Perugia hosts art exhibition From Corot to Picasso and from Fattori to De Pisis

From Corot to Picasso and From Fattori to De Pisis is an amazing and somehow unusual artexhibition that will open at Palazzo Baldeschi in Perugia from 15th September to 18th January; it will feature several paintings from the Philips Art collection in Washington DC and the Ricci Collection in Piacenza.

The list is quite impressive and includes big names such as Corot, Courbet, Manet, Degas, Monet, Bonnard, Van Gogh, Cezanne, Modigliani, Kandinsky, Braque, Fattori, Sartorio, Carrà, Casorati, Campigli and De Pisis.
An exhibition that will give the public the opportunity to compare and contrast two great collections.
Last but not least, Vittorio Sgarbi, chief curator of the exhibition, will dissert about art and how passion is one of the hallmarks of an art collector.
For more information click here or write to: servizi@civita.
Da Corot a Picasso e da Fattori a De Pisis – Palazzo Baldeschi al Corso – Perugia
