Penalties Imposed by Courts and Acts of Charity

Dear Sir,

I found myself puzzled when I came across news that a judge in Letterkenny District Court ordered an offender to remit €100 to St Vincent de Paul. This case was reported under “Cases heard at Letterkenny Court reveal sad snapshot of chaotic lives” in the News section on the 9th of September. I believe that legal penalties should contribute towards state funds and be distributed following government elected priorities.

When fines are handed over to charities, the money ends up being managed based on the ethics and preferences of the charity organisation. Being an agnostic and non-supporter of religious charities, I would defiantly refuse to pay such a fine, even at the risk of ending up in Mountjoy.

I am left questioning why the Irish judiciary continues to uphold such a condescending practice.

Yours sincerely,
Co Donegal.

Written by Staff

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