Pelosi Compares Trump’s Press Attacks to Mussolini, Hitler

In a recent interview with the Brendan O’Connor show broadcasted on RTÉ Radio 1, ex-House of Representatives speaker, Nancy Pelosi (84), cautioned that the past President, Donald Trump, parallels dictator figures such as Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler in his attempts to invalidate the media. The 84-year-old was assertive, suggesting Mr. Trump “must not ever again step foot in the Presidential residence”.

Drawing parallels between Mr. Trump’s approach and those of dictators such as Hitler and Mussolini, Pelosi proceeded to elaborate on her thoughts. She opined that the past President’s encouragement of hostility towards the media, even offering to cover legal fees at public events, is reflective of autocratic tendencies.

In the same interview, Pelosi expressed optimism regarding Vice-President Kamala Harris’ future political aspirations, potentially making history as the first woman President of the United States. She praised Harris as “the most fitting candidate to capture the presidency”, regardless of her gender.

In Pelosi’s recently released book, The Art of Power, she reveals her journey to becoming an influential legislator and a critical ally to presidents, as well as the prominent figure in resisting Trump’s administration. She has high regard for the current President, Joe Biden, referring to him as a “significant president”.

She praised his accomplishments within his first biennial term in the party’s majority, superseding any other modern-day president, and chose to reserve her comments on his decision to step down from the presidential race.

Discussing last month’s assassination attempt on Trump, Pelosi expressed relief that he seemed to have emerged unscathed, stating it was a dreadful event.

Turning attention to her personal life, Pelosi relayed the daunting experience of when David DePape (44) violently intruded into her family’s home in San Francisco on October 28th, 2022, assaulting her then 82-year-old spouse, Paul. As a result of this heinous act, DePape was sentenced to a 30-year incarceration last May. Pelosi reported that her husband is slowly progressing in his recovery since the attack.

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