Patrizia d’Addario pics: escort girl from Berlusconi scandal

These pics show Italian escort girl Patrizia d’Addario, who is at the centre of the latest Silvio Berlusconi scandal.
Evidence in the form of taped conversations provided by Patrizia allegedly prove that escorts were paid to attend parties at Palazzo Grazioli, the Italian prime minister’s Rome residence.
The taped conversations also reveal that Berlusconi pays to have sex with escort girls, and that they are to meet his demands, including having sex without contraception.

The tapes came to light when d’Addario was apparently owed money.
The recent Noemi Letizia scandal is relatively small in comparison.
Patrizia d’Addario is one of five women who claim to have been paid to attend parties.
A former actress, the 42-year-old comes from Bari, Puglia, and her relationship with the Prime Minister has become known after court proceedings in Bari.
For more information on the scandal, see Gossipblog and Wikipedia.
Patrizia d’Addario Berlusconi escort
