Parco dei mostri at Bomarzo, near Rome

The town of Bomarzo near Viterbo and only 100 kilometres from Rome is a really interesting place; tourists will have the rare opportunity to visit the Etruscan ruins at Pianmiano, the Montecasoli Necropolis, the old Palazzo Orsini at Mugnano and above all the famous Parco dei Mostri or Park of Monsters, a mysterious chamber inside a cave where table and chairs were sculpted from the rock itself.

An eerie atmosphere hangs over the place and Dante’s words once etched above its entrance really fit the place: Do leave any hope, you entering.
Actually this park used to belong to the powerful Orsini family who, in the 17th century, decided to decorate the garden surrounding the house, with statues depicting scaring monsters and a labyrinth.
The park after falling into disrepair was restored in the 19th century and now people can enjoy its weird beauty once again.
