Paolo Meneguzzi makes his American debut

Here’s a piece of news for you: Paolo Meneguzzi will soon have his artistic debut in America and this thanks to Ricky Martin, the sexy star from Puerto Rico.
It seems that the singer and his manager were deeply struck by Menuguzzi’s performance at the Festival of Sanremo last March and decided to give the Italian-Swiss boy a chance !The pleasant consequence of this new artistic crush is that the young singer ‘s new single Musica will be promoted in New York and Miami.

Paolo Meneguzzi told Vanity Fair magazine last week that after all he’s just an ordinary guy and not a genius that can effortlessly compose thousands and thousands of songs; he needs time and even as a singer he has faults too.
Well, we must say Mr Meneguzzi sounds rather modest and we like that, so let’s wish him good luck and cross our fingers for his up-coming debut in America.
