Panti Bliss: Surprised by Longevity

Panti Bliss, a prominent drag queen and advocate for equal rights, is scheduled to perform at the Knightsbrook Hotel in Trim, Co Meath, on the 2nd of November. This forms part of the Púca Festival running from the 31st of October to the 3rd of November. Visit for more.

On the subject of finance, the past saw me identifying as a spender, opening doors of remorse as my colleagues displayed more monetary intellect. However, understanding that some peers also bear empty bank accounts, not due to hardship but an inability to reject enjoyment, made me realise I sit in the middle. Their casual approach to such a situation contrasts with my anxiety-fuelled hypothetical plans in identical circumstances.

Do I strive for better value propositions in my purchases? For uncomplicated purchases, a tour of online alternatives does the job. But many services, especially telecommunication and insurance providers, tend to present overly complicated plans and ambiguous terms and conditions. Their success in entangling me usually results in my surrender, ultimately resulting in my loyalty to the same service provider despite expert advice to the contrary.

My most pecuniary acquisition? It’s got to be an Xbox, costing a few hundreds of euros. The decision to invest was driven by the fear of being eclipsed by a technologically-evolving society and culture. A fortnight playing Tomb Raider till my thumbs were blistered was all the console saw before being dropped, thanks to an inescapable “tomb”.

What would I say has given me the most worth in terms of expenditure? A simple rice cooker that I snagged about two decades ago. The actual cost has faded from memory, but a similar model today is priced at €30. Believe it or not, I still use it for foolproof, effortless rice every time.

In these Covid-19-riddled times, did you prefer local or online shopping?
I opted for local. The occasional outing to the grocery store was somewhat of a relief during the lockdowns.
Do you ever negotiate prices?
I’ve attempted to at times, but admittedly, I’m not very successful at it. While on holiday, in places where bargaining is customary, I become flustered and invariably end up overpaying.
Has the pandemic influenced the way you spend money?
Indeed, with the limited activities available, I found joy in cooking. Inspired by Nigella Lawson’s daily recipe tweets, I slowly improved my culinary skills. I may not have become an extraordinary chef, but I’ve certainly improved. I discovered a love for Asian cuisine, enjoying the hunt for ingredients in local Asian and Middle Eastern markets.
Do you indulge in stock investments?
The only risk I take, financially speaking, is buying a Lottery ticket perhaps annually.
Do you have a pension or retirement scheme in place?
Much to my despair, I only just set up a pension plan. Aware that I should have begun years before, I found myself in financial troubles until the age of 40, having never secured what people call “a proper job”. If I’m honest, I did not anticipate living this long!
Can you recall the most recent purchase you made? Was it worth it?
I recently acquired a large pedal bin to store my recyclable cans. It cost about the same as a rice cooker, therefore I’m uncertain of its true value. However, it’s gratifying not to trip over a rubbish bag filled with wet cans in my entranceway.
Have you managed to save for a significant purchase?
I’ve never purchased a vehicle or similar big-ticket items. My most notable acquisition is my flat, for which I managed a deposit a decade ago.
Have you suffered financial loss?
As stated earlier, I don’t gamble or invest in stocks, so the answer is no.
Do you regard money as important?
Yes, as far as it being a necessity for survival, the relevance of money is not lost on me. However, am I solely motivated by monetary gains? Absolutely not.
What’s the monetary value of the cash you currently possess?

From a chat with Tony Clayton-Lea, it’s clear that, despite certain misgivings about a society without physical currency, the sheer ease of such a reality is far more appealing. With nothing more than a phone on person, he finds himself able to foot the bill for his purchases.

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