“Paediatric Vaccination”

With reference to the correspondence from Dr Tom O’Rourke (Letters, 24th July), I’d like to share my own experiences as a paediatrician in Coventry during the 1950s. The memory of children tragically perishing from diseases like whooping cough, measles, chickenpox, encephalitis, and tuberculous meningitis are still vivid in my mind. I was also required to deal with the ongoing impacts of these infections — severe consequences such as blindness, deafness, and life-long lung conditions. An equally heart-rending sight were infants born deaf due to their mothers contracting rubella.

In my view, the most significant breakthrough of medicine in the 20th century was vaccination. Similar to some mainland European countries, I believe we should introduce immunisation certificates as a pre-requisite for admission to primary schools. – With regards,

County Sligo.
