On Casey Stoner – Best Rumor Yet

When Casey Stoner denied that the slight gastritis and mild anemia diagnosed by Dr.
Ting’s staff in California, was the root of his physical problems, and then decided to go AWOL for three races, speculation about what the Aussie was really suffering from began to run rabid, with dozens of different diagnosis being bandied about by even more arm chair doctors.

Stoner continued to remain incommunicado in Australia away from curious MotoGP journalists, until his interview with MotoSprint, that fueled a whole new line speculation regarding the pressures of racing.
Ducati’s Livio Suppo, declared several times during this weekend’s Indy race, that Stoner is feeling much better and is sure that his star rider will be back for the Estoril round, adding however that certain ‘levels’in Stoner’s blood tests remain slightly low without going into detail to what these levels were referred to.
Suppo also stated that Stoner has seen an endocrinologist in Sydney and he would have further test results on Tuesday.
Italian TV commentators have gone as far as speculating that Stoner’s fatigue is caused by some sort of hormonal problem caused by his suprarenal glands.

Admist hundreds of different rumors of all sorts, the prize goes to Italian website motocorse.
com that following some sort of article published by one Australia’s leading media companies, Fairfax Media, reported that Stoner has visited Uluru (Ayers Rock) during his absence from the MotoGP championship.
According to motocorse, Uluru is a spiritual place for Aborigines, who believe that a troubled body and mind can be healed by going to this sacred spot and have come come up with the fanciful idea that the Ducati rider also believes he too could find some sort of mystical help to regain his health and his confidence by going to the rock.
If anyone can come up with a better story than this one, please let us know and we’ll pass it on.

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