OJ Festival: Italian jazz festival in Vasanello, Lazio

The city of Vasanello, in the province of Viterbo, Lazio, had its period of splendour in the 15th century, during the times of the marriage between Giulia Farnese and Orsino Orsini.
The real gem of the town is the 13th century castle, with its square angles and cylindrical towers which belonged to the Orsini and then to the Colonna.

The rooms hold a beautiful collection of ceramics, and even the medieval garden is worth a visit.
Little alleys give glimses of the romantic churches of Santa Maria Assunta and San Salvatore.
In Piazza Ortaccio, from today and for the next three days, the Ortaccio Jazz Festival will take place, if you’re looking for something smaller than the big sister, Umbria Jazz Festival.
Organised by the cultural association “Messico e Nuvole”, the event will include appearances from artists such as Rosario Giuliani, Fabiana Rosciglione, la The Old Circus Jazz Band and Rita MarcotulliThe OJ festival for 2008 also includes a special section dedicated to literature and “books in jazz”.
