Occupation discussions on Higher Options: Focus on apprenticeships

Apprenticeships, traditionally associated with trade vocations such as carpentry, plumbing, and electricity, have seen their boundaries expand in Ireland. Apprentices can now prosper in areas like insurance, gastronomy, auctioneering, and numerous others.

The Apprentice Scheme: Learn and Earn
A critical element of apprenticeships is the valuable skills they impart. They place major emphasis on hands-on learning. Additionally, they offer the remarkable advantage of enabling participants to earn an income whilst acquiring knowledge.

Guidance Counsellor Brian Mooney stresses that an apprenticeship’s qualification does not fall short compared to a university degree. He noted that theoretical academia isn’t suited to everyone– some people prefer to dive straight into the career they’re passionate about. In such cases, he suggests that apprenticeships could be the ideal option.

Hands-on Experience
Apprentices reap various benefits, according to Solas’ Director of Apprenticeships, Alan McGrath. They can commence work in their chosen field right after their Leaving Certificate. They also have the chance to make industry connections, gain hands-on experience and understand the reality of their profession.

McGrath added that the skills honed during an apprenticeship have lifelong value and can be transferred internationally, potentially appealing to those with dreams of working overseas. Many modern apprenticeships provide graduates the opportunity to obtain a college degree, typically taught in a technological university when off-duty.

Personal Apprenticeship Experience
Emily Clarke, who’s an apprentice electrician at ESB, shared her enrolment journey. She thoroughly conveyed her enthusiasm to work as an apprentice for ESB in her cover letter during the application process. She underwent online aptitude tests, which she had five days to complete and recommends online practice tests for preparation. Clarke emphasised the importance of company research and unique ideas to shine in the interview phase. Demonstrating teamwork abilities and presenting tangible craft examples could further leverage one’s stand. Interviews took place in 2021.
