Nordic walking tours Italy: the Parco dei Gessi Bolognesi in Emilia Romagna

Walking sticks are not just for the elderly apparently, but can be used by all hikers wanting ovreall exercise for their circulatory system.
The exercise of using hiking poles is called nordic walking and apart from saving your knees, it combines trekking with some good fitness.
Walking tours of Emilia Romagna are being organised which employ just this philosophy.

In October, the club PromoAppennino is organising nordic walking tours of the national park Gessi Bolognesi, with a route that goes along the Idice river with views of the geological formations along the way.
Equipment required is a pair of walking boots, and carbon hiking poles that help reduce fatigue.
The secret is all in the posture, though to learn the correct technique it’s better for a nordic walking guide to show you the ropes first.
In Italy the Nordic Fitness Association has a list of excursions conducted in Nordic Walking Parks.
For information and costs on the October Emilia Romagna tour, go to the PromoAppenino site.
The tour starts at 9:30 on October 5, hiking poles can be hired.
