Nicky Hayden Shows Us the Ducati GP10

You’ve just got to love the innocence of Nicky Hayden, most manufacturers try to keep, be it new models of cars or motorcycles, under tight wraps until the official unveiling where they can get oohs and ahhs of the press and fans around the world.
Hayden who was in Ducati’s HQ last week took this photo of the Ducati Desmosedici GP10 or as the American calls it “my 2010 weapon” with his cell phone and posted it on his personal website, thus revealing the GP10 well before Ferrari ’s and Ducati’s combined Wrooom official presentation of their new machines.

You can check out the slight differences in the fairing from what Stoner and Hayden tested during the Valencia tests in November and how it looks from Nicky’s shot from last week, but remember what really counts is what is under that red fairing.

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