Niccolò Canepa waiting to undergo surgery

Niccolò Canepa sufferd a bad crash with his Red Devils Ducati at turn 5 during Saturday’s second free practice at Nurburgring sustaining a compound fracture to right tibia and fibula.
The former MotoGP rider was transferred to the Josef Krankenhaus Clinicwhere he was to undergo immediate surgery, however the operation was delayed according to Canepa, who posted this photo on his Facebook page on Sunday, with this note: “We ordered a replacement part! In two days the plate will arrive and then they’ll operate on me.

”With the operation delayed, Canepa’s recovery and rehabilitation will start later and it will be almost impossible for him to take part in the final two rounds of the season.
It has been a rough 2012 for the Italian, injury wise, he was already riding with right shoulder injuries (tendons and a small fracture to his humerus) and he also suffered a bout of Bells palsy that forced him to skip the Brno round.
“A bad day for Canepa and for all of us,” said team manager Andrea Petricca.
“Everything seemed to be going well and we were preparing for the Superpole when Niccola fell.

I personally accompanied him to the hospital and he was found to have a double fracture of tibia and fibula of his right leg.
We are very saddened by what happened.
Unfortunately I do not think that he will take part in the remaining two races of the season.
We do not want to think about his replacement yet, only to make sure that Niccola receives the best care possible.

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