“New Combi-Boiler Nightly Breakdown Solutions”

In the scorching summer of 2022, we had a combi-boiler set up in our residency. It functioned flawlessly for over 12 months until the onset of the subsequent heating cycle last October. During this period, coincidentally, we were also improving our kitchen space. As part of this renovation, we collaborated with our plumber and the engineer who initially installed the gas system. Regrettably, both couldn’t detect the root of the issue we were facing – our boiler seemed to operate accordingly during daylight hours but would spontaneously cease operation as night fell due to dramatic reductions in pressure. This has disrupted our ability to prerun our central heating an hour before sleep or an hour before waking up. Instead, we’ve had to adapt by manually triggering the boiler each dawn to initiate our central heating and have access to warm showers.

The pressure in our boiler is connected to the water mains pressure, and with this in mind, we reached out to Uisce Éireann multiple times. We inquired if they were decreasing water pressure in our locality during the hours of darkness, possibly as a measure to limit leakages from ageing main lines. Despite our frequent attempts to seek clarification, they have yet to respond, just as they failed to provide an answer to our local council member. We would appreciate any assistance or information you could provide on this matter.

Normally, queries of this nature fall under the jurisdiction of a mechanical and electrical consultant. As building surveyors, we can be compared to general practitioners (GPs); while we can diagnose and provide counsel on a wide range of issues, there are invariably specialist issues that arise, requiring referral to an appropriate expert. Components such as the mechanical and electrical services within a property are such specialities. We have a basic grasp of these elements as building surveyors; however, there’s a substantial dependence on the expert skills of the designers and installers of mechanical and electrical systems.

The boiler and its functionality within the heating system fall within these specialist areas and necessitate profound specialist knowledge. When individuals approach us with challenges similar to yours, most often we end up referring them to a registered gas engineer or a mechanical and electrical consultant.

While considering these sorts of situations comprehensively, a few factors can be highlighted. Initially, it should be noted that the boiler in question is fairly new. Thus, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume a warranty might have been granted during its purchase. Clarity on this matter is critical prior to moving forward. Should the boiler be under warranty, specific protocols are required to ensure that warranty remains unbreached. However, bear in mind that many home boilers usually carry a one-year warranty and it’s quite possible that this period has already lapsed. Hence, establishing knowledge on the warranty status is crucial before outsourcing any third parties to evaluate the existing situation.

Moreover, if the warranty has expired, a trustworthy contractor is expected to display integrity by standing by their work and maintaining their reputation. This contractor will be the original boiler installer and it’s necessary to gain their input regarding the issues you are currently facing.

In your situation, you engaged the installer and the plumber for your recent kitchen renovations. Even though both professionals specialize in this area, neither were able to determine the cause of the problem. This signifies the complexity of the problem or possibly a potential coverup of previous substandard work. Although the latter seems unlikely, further exploration is warranted. Therefore, soliciting an independent boiler expert’s consultation might prove beneficial.

The problems you’re experiencing seem to stem from a pressure dropdown either due to diminished water supply to the boiler or potential seepage within your heating installation. Contacting Uisce Éireann was a good choice and they should ideally respond to your query. The lack of response reflects poorly on their customer service, and your frustration is understandable. At minimum, you deserve an acknowledgment or explanation for your raised concerns.

Continual cutting out of your boiler could negatively impact its longevity and overall performance. It’s also advisable to be aware that potential leaks in the system might be causing unnoticed damages like behind walls or underneath floors.

Addressing this issue swiftly is critically necessary. Your principal task is to engage a certified gas installer or an engineering and electrical consultant capable of pinpointing and diagnosing the precise issue. While liaising directly with the specialist may be feasible, it could be beneficial to enlist a chartered building surveyor as well, offering assistance in managing and orchestrating the operations, comprehending the challenge, and providing guidance on a comprehensive solution. This collaborative strategy will facilitate a resolution to the problem.
Val O’Brien is a member of the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland and a chartered building surveyor.
