Naples will host second edition of ” La Città cantante”

After last year’s great success, La Città Cantante or “The Singing City”, an important musical festival taking place in Naples and entirely dedicated to the music of the 18th century is back with a new series of interesting events.
When it comes to music and the theatre, the 18th century was, for Naples, an extraordinary period during which innumerable works were staged or listened to for the first time.

The city had, and still has, such beautiful theatres as the Teatro dei Fiorentini, Della Pace, San Ferdinando, San Carlino and Del Fondo where the famous “ commedeja pe’ museca Napolitano” (roughly translated as “a play for Neapoletan Music“) took place.
By contrast, the second part of the festival will be dedicated to an exhibition at the Palazzo Reale (Sala Dorica).
The exhibition has three sections; the first devoted to the historical cartography of the theatres (audio videos will be shown); the second to sketches and drawings from the archive Fondo Pagliara, depicting monumental sets for the theatre, machines for fireworks and other ephemeral apparatus for glamorous balls and events; the third and last section is more technical and devoted to librettos and music sheets perfectly preserved.
