Naples hosts exhibition “Ri-ciclo.Uno sguardo oltre i rifiuti”

Naples, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, went through hell a few months ago when tons of uncollected rubbish piled up along its streets.
Tourists fled the city which seemed to sink into the slough of despair, but now things, thank God, have changed for the better and Naples hosts an art exhibition called “Ri-Ciclo.

Uno sguardo oltre i rifiuti” or Recycling.
A Look beyond the rubbish and devoted to the recycling of plastic, glass, paper and aluminium; more than 50 photos showing how these recycling processes can be turned into art.
All photos on display were taken by Ico Gasparri around Naples and other neighbouring cities.
The exhibition now at Santa Maria la Nova in Naples will soon move to Sala del Colonnato in Piazza Plebiscito (it will close on 19th November).
By the way, if you’re planning to visit Naples, go to this website where you can find a really interesting list of nice but cheap bed and breakfast hotels.
