Mysteries of Rome: Via dei Cessati Spiriti

In Rome not far from Appia Nuova, there’s a street called Cessati spiriti or Disappeared Spirits which, according to some people, is a haunted place; actually the story began centuries ago when pilgrims and travellers after a stop at the local inn (see the above reproduction) couldn’t find the carts they had just parked near the door, but all they could see, once they were back in the street, was the grass swaying in the wind.

Utterly puzzled, they started to blame ghosts for those thefts and in order to banish those unwanted presences they placed an image of The Madonna in a niche in the wall.
Unfortunately this statue was broken by a volley of stones just a few years ago, so now the old fear is back! Are we about to meet a new generation of ghosts and spirits? What do you think? Stay tuned.
