These Are the Must-see Holiday Destinations for Your Autumn Vacation

Travelling in autumn is not a usual choice, but it is certainly a very good one. Most people prefer to travel in the summer period, when all the trendy destinations are crowded and chaotic. Then there are those who decide to do exactly the opposite and enjoy the tranquility of an autumn vacation.

It is wrong to think that fall is less interesting than the rest of the year just because it is not as lively as summer or as romantic as winter. This season is wonderful for the colors of the landscape and for the flavors of the village festivals. Moreover, it is less melancholy than we have always believed. So let’s not waste any more time and see the perfect destinations for an autumn vacation.

Northern Lights and 100% Nature (Iceland)

For some years now in Iceland there has been a real surge of tourists. Summer is the most popular season, and more and more often it is difficult to find accommodation if you do not book in advance. The most popular attractions are obviously stormed by tourists who enjoy the many hours of light, due to the phenomenon of the midnight sun, and temperatures quite mild.

If you want to avoid all this, plan your trip during the months of September and October. In this period the prices of hotels and car rentals are very low and the number of tourist is reduced. In addition, there is also the possibility of seeing the Northern Lights. The weather? Keep in mind that the weather in Iceland changes every five minutes. For this reason, it is not certain that in autumn the days are worse than in summer.

Momijigari, the leaf hunt (Japan)

Autumn in Japan is as serious as spring with its cherry blossom. The Japanese are deeply attached to the phenomena of nature. As a result, the so-called foliage, the fall of the leaves from the trees, becomes a real rite called Momijigari (literally “maple hunt”). It is nothing more than the opposite of flowering in spring, the so-called Hanami. Japan begins to turn yellow and red from the island of Hokkaido, especially in mountainous areas, and then descends to cities such as Kyoto and Nara.

The foliage is an institution. Every autumn evening the news reports make an analysis of the phenomenon of momiji thanks to maps that indicate the places and the degree of coloration achieved. Among the most striking places are the Shiretoko National Park, the Hachimantai Mountains and the Korankei Valley near Nagoya.

Autumn Vacation Rich in Flavor (Italy)

Fall in Italy is no less important, thanks to the always favorable temperature and a wide choice of areas in which to indulge in autumn relaxation. Perhaps we may not have a foliage as intense as the Japanese. However, during September and October many regions offer festivals and country fairs in which to discover local flavors. An example? Truffles, mushrooms, chestnuts and chocolate. You could then accompany this gastronomic experience with a trek in the mountains or with some cultural tours to villages. Moreover, don’t forget that it is also harvesting time!

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