Motorcycle racing photography tips

If you have no pretensions to being a professional photographer, but have a passion for photographing motorcycle races, here are some top tips from All About Bikes on how to become a better amateur race photographer.
It’s not an easy task and if you don’t have press accreditation then you’ll be taking your shots from a grassy hill somewhere, but the tips might make your results more satisfactory.

Of his tips Dan Evon says:I was stuck on the outside of the fence like all the other amateur schmucks trying to get that perfect shot of a knee touching the ground or a high-speed crash.
My pictures may not be exemplary of professional work, but I’ve learned a few things during the last dozen or so races that could improve your amateur motorcycle racing photography.
When we went live to the MotoGP last year, I really wish I’d been able to read something like this beforehand – although having halfway decent equipment helps.
My camera can’t get pics of my cat in motion, let alone Casey Stoner blasting around the Indy track.

Still, see after the jump for Dan’s helpful list, and hop on over to the site to see them in detail.
Get to the races on FridayScout the trackWalk the trackGet above, beyond or throughShoot everythingMax out your mega pixelsThink out of the trackPerfect in post-production

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