motorcycle fuel consumption guide

If you’ve been reading HFL lately, you will have seen Wes Siler’s link to his own article on Wired.
com about riding bikes vs cars.
It’s an old debate but one of the most important things to come out of his rather long gripe is just how much car owners would save themselves and the planet in terms of fuel costs, by switching to motorcycles.

Still, let’s say you’re a motorcycle owner who wants to find out exactly what your bike runs off all the same – or you’re planning on buying a new motorcycle and want some comparable motorcycle fuel consumption data – where do you go? To Total Motorcycles and their Motorcycle Fuel Economy Guide.
In the motoring world, both cars and bikes, the released fuel consumption figures from manufacturers aren’t exactly the most trustworthy in the mind’s of consumers.
Total Motorcycles lists data from bike owners themselves and has been five years in the compiling of the list.
The guide includes more than 5,000 models listed by year and make, and they’re sharing the data for free.

If your bike isn’t there, you can add to the guide by sending in your information as well.
We guess there are a whole lot of stories behind the collection of this data, but the guide is easy to use and has plenty of models in there – a few European bikes are missing so guys on the old continent might want to consider getting some info across.
Consumption is listed both in mpg and l/km.

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