MotoGP – Bets are on for Balatonring

The MotoGP riders who are part of the Safety Commission met up with Dorna’s CEO Carmelo Ezpeleta on Friday before the Sepang GP and one of the topics discussed was the Balatonring circuit.
Loris Capirossi, who is one of the founding members of the Riders Safety Commission, specifically asked Ezpeleta whether the Hungarian venue will be ready in time for next year’s MotoGP race scheduled for September 19th 2010.

Capirossi is convinced that the track will not be ready on time and that the race will be cancelled as it happened this year, while Ezpeleta stated he is sure that they’ll be racing in Hungary next year.
Management and rider are betting on it, if Capirossi is right Ezpeleta will have to buy dinner for all of the members of the Safety Commission if not, the Italian rider will have to.
Several representatives of Balatonring circuit were in Malaysia and it seems that the track is almost completely asphalted while work on the other structures is believed to begin this winter, weather, economic crisis and funding permitting.

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