Moto2 Silverstone: Jordi Torres subs for Julian Simon

After rumors that Raffaele de Rosa or Gabor Talmacsi could replace injured Julian Simon at Silverstone, insead Jorge ‘Aspar’ Martinez decided on a Spanish rider and will be fielding 23-year-old Jordi Torres as Simon’s temporary subsititute.
Torres is last year’s runner-up in the CEV Moto2 championship and this year is riding with Gigaset Laglisse Suter team, and has also wildcarded in 2010 at the Barcelona GP with PromoHarris MR Griful finishing 19th.

“Last night at 8 o’clock the phone rang, I answered and they asked me to race at Silverstone in the Moto2 World Championship,” said Jordi Torres.
“It ’s really a dream, I took the first flight to the UK without even sleeping, because I’m so excited.
For me it was a real surprise, because I have no international experience, expect as wild card last year in Barcelona and a World Supersport race in Valencia, and I don’t know Silverstone, but I’ll do anything to get a good result“.
Torres has been confirmed only for Silverstone at the moment, while Simon is expected to back in a month and a half after breaking his tibia in Catalunya.

If you’re not the squeamish type, you can check out just how bad Simon’s break is here.

Written by Unit

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