Moto Morini 1200 Sport, vintage naked

MotoTV in Italy put together this road test video on the new Moto Morini 1200 Sport.
This vintage naked has a twin cylinder Bialbero CorsaCorta engine at 1187cc.
It’s a powerful engine with a sports soul, that produces 86 kW and 117hp at 8,500 rpm.
It has impressive torque at 102 Nm with 10.

4 Kgm at 6,700 rpm, which is well distributed across the range.
The 1200 was built on the technical base of the 9 ½ project, but with some new aspects, including a new look and updated technology.
The tank holds 21 litres and is created in a flared style for comfortable leg position.
The single seat tapers into a rear tail with a cover that can be removed to accommodate a passenger.
The trellis frame is reinforced in the rear, has a lateral shock absorber and alluminium fork.
The latter is created through new hydroform technology.
On the left side is a double cone-shaped muffler and the fork measures 50mm.
The Moto Morini 1200 Sport is ergonomic, with attention to riding position, including narrow handles, and a distance between pedals and seat that centres weight on the front axle.

Other elements include twin-colour finish, Excel spoke wheels, Brembo brakes measuring 320mm, Marzocchi fork and lateral shock absorber with Paioli direct link.
For more information and complete technical specs of the 1200 Sport, go to the Moto Morini site.

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