Motegi MotoGP round to be postponed

News sources from Qatar are reporting that the second round of the MotoGP season that was to be held at Motegi on April 24th, will be postponed following the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan last Friday morning.
Just yesterday we posted that Carmelo Ezpeleta decision whether to hold the race was still on hold pending the Japanese promoter’s wishes, and following the devasting aftermath conditions that Japan is now fighting against.

It is believed that the race will be held on October 2nd, between the Motorland Aragon GP on September 18th and the Australian round on October 16th.
This date would also give the riders enough of a breather before taking on the two back-to-back flyaway races, however we are currently waiting to see the FIM’s official press release confirming the actual postponement date.

Written by Unit

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