More rider quotes from the Silverstone GP

We’ve go the final round-up rider quotes from today’s MotoGP race at Silverstone and we have to admit that we were pretty impressed by how strong Alvaro Bautista and rookie Karel Abraham looked all this weekend, whether it was wet or dry.
Alvaro Bautista – 5th“For sure I am very happy today, because we have been able to finish the weekend with a great result.

I have to say thank-you to my team, they have so much passion for what they do and have helped me get back to my maximum level.
With all their help, this has been the first race that I have been able to feel competitive since the injury and I was nearer my limit than I have been all season – so a really big thanks to all of them! In the wet warm-up I felt very strong and had good feedback from the whole package, so I was feeling confident for this afternoon.
In the race it was important make a good start, I did that and I think I was maybe fifth or sixth, but it was difficult to see because I was splashed a lot by other riders and I couldn’t see too much and had to drop back a bit.

I tried to get into a good rhythm and as the race wore on I started to ride more comfortably.
I saw that a couple of riders crashed due to all the water that was making it very difficult, but I just carried on and did my own thing.
I had to have lots of feeling with the brakes and the gas because it was really very difficult conditions and towards the end I saw that Valentino was trying to catch me.
I pushed a bit more and started to close on Nicky, but he responded and kept the gap, but by then I had increased on Valentino and I then just wanted to finish.
Fifth is a good result and now I’m looking forward to getting to the next race and have the same level of confidence and feeling – if not even better!”Karel Abraham – 7th“My start wasn’t very well.
I am sorry that I wasn’t able to stay with Rossi, who was faster than me in every lap, but despite that I am very satisfied with this result.
I would like to thank all the team members, especially the mechanics who did a great job.
“ Toni Elias – 8th“I am quite happy as I was hoping for a wet race to finish in the top ten.
I could not have finished in the same position in the dry as we are still struggling with bike set-up.
Anyway this is a positive weekend for me and the team because we have scored further points.
I knew I could fight for a better position battling with Rossi and Abraham, but after some laps I had problems with my helmet: the visibility was not clear and a couple of times I had to open the visor.
I think I took a brave start from 14th spot but I went wide in the first corner: luckily I was capable to rejoin the track proceeding with my race.
”Hiroshi Aoyama – 9th“It was difficult to get a feeling for the bike in the wet conditions in morning warm-up, but as the laps went by in the race I felt more and more comfortable.
The end result isn’t particularly satisfying, but we got good experience on a wet track that will help us find a good set-up in the future.
Hopefully we can do better next time out.
”Loris Capirossi – 10th “Compared to yesterday, the situation didn’t improve.
It was important for us to finish the race, but I had a really hard time because I lacked feeling with the front end.
I wasn’t able to make the front tyre work, and I was close to falling every time I leaned over, even putting my feet down.
I was only thinking about finishing the race.
The weather also made things really difficult for us.
It was very cold, and it was hard for me to ride the bike.
For now, anyway, we’re even having trouble in dry conditions.
It’s a shame, because I surely could have done better.
”Hector Barbera – 11th“This race was a tough one for me.
We worked a lot on suspension overnight, making the bike softer.
I think that we overdid it.
I was almost going over the forks whenever I hit the brakes.
It was hard to ride at the start when I had the fuel tank full and I could feel the steering close up on every corner.
If it was a practice session, then I would have come in after the first lap and changed the configurations.
We were looking for a softer suspension yesterday and today, thinking that it would improve things, but sometimes risks like this don’t pay off.
I am unhappy, because I am convinced that I could have taken a good result.
There is no time to mope about this though, because we are off to Holland in two weeks and will have to work hard to turn things around.
”Randy De Puniet – 12th “Today was the worst race in my life.
It’s difficult for me to explain this bad day, which began with a bad crash during warm up.
I lacked feeling with the bike because of the usual problem with the front.
Then it was difficult to stay up in these conditions.
I came close to crashing at least two times a lap.
I don’t say anything.
It was a horrible race”.
Marco Simoncelli – DNF“I am completely distraught because it seems every week we line up ready for a top race and something happens to deny me.
I had already had a moment in that corner so I tried to be more careful, but the front closed and I found myself on the floor waving goodbye to the podium once again.
I am gutted! I’ll go home with my head down now, but tomorrow I have to start looking forward to Assen with the hope that this bad run is over.

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