More Ducatisti protest banners against Ducati and Rossi at Imola

If you thought that yesterday’s pic of the banner against Ducati and Valentino Rossi at the Imola round was just a very small group of hard core Ducati fans protesting against Borgo Panigale’s factory team pull out next season, take a look at the rest of the banners.

The guys at Motoblog.
it took these pics and basically they all carry the same tune, like “Without SBK, Ducati is worth (Valentino: Vale is Rossi’s first name shortened, but it also means worth in Italian) less” or “Rossi in red, better Bayliss,” “Ducati shame on you,” “Tardozzi 15, Marinelli 0″, or “Ducati? No SBK, no party.

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