Monza’s white line and unrest among Biaggi fans

Two days after race 2 at Monza, Max Biaggi’s ride-through penalty is still being hotly debated here in Italy.
We’ve read a zillion things so far regarding what many consider a Draconian application of the rules, but rules are rules, especially if the Race Direction holds a briefing before the weekend and tells everyone that cutting chicanes will not be tolerated.

Basically the riders were told that in case of running off track for whatever reason they would not incur in any penalty if if they followed the appointed white lined path back to the track.
Noriyuki Haga didn’t do this in race 1 and picked up a ride-through as did Biaggi in race 2.
(Check out the photo after the jump on how they solved the chicane problems during the CIV race).
There has been plenty of backlash over the penalty, even if SBK’s General manager Paolo Ciabatti explained the reason behind it and Biaggi fans have gone as far as accusing Ciabatti of being part of the ‘Ducati Mafia,’ since he once worked for Italian manufacturer.
Insults towards Marco Melandri after he informed fans directly from the parc ferme that Biaggi didn’t show up for the ‘chicane briefing’ and that didn’t go particularly go down well with upset Monza fans who booed both Melandri and Michel Fabrizio, even if the Alstare Suzuki rider publically declared that Biaggi was the moral winner of the race.

The Roman Emperor finally addressed his fans from his personal website about the whole story:“Today I have received many demonstrations of solidarity and this is helping me overcome yesterday’s disappointment, but this certainly doesn’t return the points and the win that I was holding! I feel like someone who has committed a venial sin, but was sentenced as if he had committed a mortal sin.
I accept the penalty even if with a lead of 5/6 six seconds ahead of the second rider, common sense might have worked differently.
Regarding the meeting that was held Thursday before practice, I personally informed SBK’s General Manager , Paolo Ciabatti in advance explaining the reasons of my absence and our team manager Francesco Guidotti was specifically sent (to the briefing) and then explained everything to me the next day.
Finally I’d like thank my fans who during the public press conference, externalized their displeasure with “commendable” measure.
This will mean if we win the championship … it will taste even sweeter!”
