Monetine: Daniele Silvestri’s new album

Daniele Silvestri’s new single Monetine has just been released.
Don’t worry, it’s just a taste of what’s really in store for Silvestri’s lovers: a new double album that will be out in May, just a year after his last one.
This new single is a small masterpiece.

A summer song vibrant with Latin-American undertones.
A piece people will love at once.
The song is inspired by an older song called Pozzo dei desideri (the wishing well) which appeared on Sig.
Dapatas, an album the artist released in 1999.
Silvestri’s collection of greatest hits plus two new songs will also be out in a few weeks (Dvd cd).
Here’s its track list:Monetine – CD1 1.
Monetine (inedito) 2.
Dove sei (versione 2008) 3.
Idiota (versione 2008) 4.
L’uomo intero (versione 2008) 5.
Il flamenco della doccia 6.
Le cose in comune 7.
Frasi da dimenticare 8.
L’Y-10 bordeaux 9.
L’uomo col megafono 10.
Il Dado 11.
Hold me 12.
Samantha 13.
Cohiba 14.
Desaparecido 15.
Aria 16.
Giro in si 17.
Amore mio 18.
TestardoMonetine – CD2 1.
Una giornata al mare (inedito, cover di brano di Paolo Conte) 2.
Occhi da orientale 3.
1000 euro al mese 4.

Sempre di domenica 5.
La classifica (versione 2008) 6.
Il colore del mondo 7.
L’autostrada 8.
Il mio nemico 9.
Salirò 10.
Kunta Kinte 11.
La Paranza 12.
Gino e l’alfetta 13.
A me ricordi il mare 14.
Mi persi 15.
Il mondo stretto in una mano (inedito, dalla colonna sonora di Questa notte è ancora nostra) 16.
Senza far rumore (inedito)
