“Model Citizen” Assaults Man Over Billiard Dispute

A court case revealed that a reputedly upstanding member of society had physically assaulted a fellow member of a yacht club in Co Dublin, Ireland over a disagreement during a billiards tournament. Steven Gillman, aged 70, lashed out at the other participant, who was also in his 70s, in a fit of rage, thinking that his refereeing skills were being mocked during the game at the prestigious Royal St George Yacht Club in Dún Laoghaire in September of the previous year.

Gillman assaulted the other man multiple times, continuing the attack even after the elderly man had fallen to the ground, relayed Garda Steven Carton to prosecutor David Perry BL. This violent outburst led to serious medical repercussions for the victim, including a dislocated eye lens, a cracked eye socket, enduring double vision, and persistent tinnitus. The victim’s pastime activities, sailing and playing golf, have been significantly impacted.

Living in Castlepark, Monkstown, Gillman pleaded guilty to causing harm through his violent behaviour at the yacht club located on Harbour Road, Dún Laoghaire on September 29th. His defence lawyer described him as a sterling citizen, highlighting that this was his first offence. Gillman has since severed ties with the yacht club, described by his barrister Marc Murphy as a significant aspect of his social life.

In expressing his regret, Gillman brought €5,000 to court. However, Judge Elma Sheehan considered this amount too paltry and instead suggested a figure of €15,000 to be more apt in light of his egregious behaviour. Given Gillman’s clean record and his positive societal contribution at his age, Judge Sheahan opted to defer matters to November 24th, pending a probation report.

The victim described the terrifying moment when Gillman assaulted him in court, noting he will always remember the ‘frenzied’ look in Gillman’s eyes as the punch was delivered. “I’m thankful to still be alive; however, the physical and emotional wounds are everlasting,” he confessed. The assault resulted in the permanent loss of vision for the elderly man, necessitating surgical intervention. The victim mentioned the psychological impact has been monumental; the attack diminished his zest for his social life and affected his love for snooker. He expressed his astonishment at having been subjected to violence in his yacht club, perpetrated by a fellow member, at the ripe age of 70.

After the incident was reported, Gillman was questioned by the Gardaí. In advance of this, he had emailed an apology to all club members. In his conversation with the Gardaí, Gillman argued that the man had been making ‘sarcastic’ remarks regarding his ability to officiate the billiards match during the competition, which caused stress and discomfort. Gillman confronted the man post-match demanding an apology, but was rebuffed. This led Gillman to lose control and resort to violence.

It was brought to the court’s attention that Gillman is the proprietor of an educational software firm and was eagerly anticipating his retirement.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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