Missile Deployment by Ukraine

In a letter dated 16th September, Cian ÓhEigheartaigh warned about the potential for increased aggression if Ukraine is permitted to use Western-supplied long-range weaponry within Russian borders. In a harrowing attack on a high-rise residential block, three children were listed among the casualties.

Previously released UN data in April revealed an estimated 600 Ukrainian children’s lives have been claimed in Russian incursions since the onslaught began in full force. It also warned the actual casualty figures are possibly significantly higher.

A European Parliament assessment in March 2024 stated that almost 20,000 Ukrainian children had been forcibly moved to Russia, a crime decried by the International Criminal Court (ICC) as a war crime. ICC has accordingly issued a warrant for the arrest of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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The argument holds that Ukraine deserves the right to target Russian military bases to protect its children and populace from an antagonist who consciously assaults schools, hospitals, and housing complexes.
-Ronnie Simpson
Co Wicklow.

Recently, UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and US President Joe Biden deliberated in Washington on whether to allow Ukraine to launch cruise missiles into Russia. Ukraine views these missiles as strategic in its broader war scheme, specifically targeting airbases, missile launch locations, and other sites from which Russia has launched assaults on Ukraine.

President Biden’s hesitation in this matter is understandable. The dreadful prospect of a nuclear weapon being employed on Ukrainian soil or worse, Russia potentially leveraging their nuclear arsenal against a European city, hangs heavy if Ukraine were to gain approval to use these missiles.

Mr Biden may also feel unease concerning potential Russian meddling in the forthcoming November US elections if he authorises the deployment of these missiles by Ukraine. For now, it may be wise for Mr Biden to heed the classic wisdom of not provoking the bear – Kind Regards, JOHN O’BRIEN, Clonmel, Co Tipperary.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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