Mini E Scooter Concept live pics

Just how good is the design of the new Mini Scooter E Concept? In a mix of Chinese and vintage style, the company has managed to squeeze as much Mini personality onto its two-wheeled concept as possible, as seen in these live pics of the E Scooter concept from the Paris motor show.

Will we see it get to production? We’re not sure but what we can be sure of is that there is most likely a market for this new electric scooter.
The Mini Scooter E is very similar to the Smart eScooter in its functions and philosophy, but it’s got a lot more brand ‘oomph’ behind it.
The Smart eScooter is what you’d expect your green business executive to go to work on.
The Mini Scooter E has got a wider and quirkier appeal to it than that and can also cash in on what’s already a strong international brand.
The Mini Scooter E Concept is a plug-in electric scooter with Apple iPhone capability which substitutes (in the same as the Smart eScooter), the onboard instrument panel.

The lack of any production details released at the 2010 Paris Motor Show disappoint us a little as we were ready to hail a new, environmental entry to the scooter market.
But it could only be a matter of time before Mini develops this and in that case, we’ll be interested to see how its fortunes develop.

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