“Middle-Child Syndrome: Sarah McInerney’s Story”

How would you judge your own agreeableness?
It is likely this will be subjective depending on whom you inquire.
What is the moniker that rests between your first and last name, and what is your feeling towards it?
My middle name is Anne. It got an extra “e” after a reading session of Anne of Green Gables at the age of nine, it felt wonderfully foreign.
Do you have a preferred location in Ireland?
My domicile in Howth, County Dublin is most cherished.
Could you encapsulate yourself in a triad of words?
Imaginative, pragmatic, fervent.
Can you recall your most recent bout of anger?
A few months prior, dishonesty was the cause of my ire. (Queue theme from Murder She Wrote)
Have you misplaced something you wish to recover?
Once upon a time, I had an unwavering belief in the inherent goodness of humanity.
What childhood memory is the most vivid in your mind?
It’s a moment of self-reflection – all dressed up, gazing into the mirror and realising that I didn’t resemble the fairy-tale princesses from my favorite cartoons.
Could you tell us your rank order of birth in your family and whether it has shaped you?
If one was to source an image to accompany the term ‘middle-child syndrome’, it would likely be mine.
What are your thoughts on life after death?
I anticipate a return to the earth, from dust to dust, but I hold out hope for something utterly surprising.
When was a moment in your life you consider as the happiest?
Impossible to pinpoint, it could be my wedding day, the birth of my children, or even when a severe illness was ruled out for one of my kids. However, I’ve shifted my focus from seeking happiness to striving for contentment.
Who could you envision portraying you in a film about your life?
Ryan Reynolds would get the call.
Any regrets, professionally or personally?
A novel perpetually unwritten. But who can tell?
Do you have any peculiar mental hang-ups?
An aversion to punctuality plagues me. It feels like minutes squandered. I could have hung out the washing! Consequently, I’m customarily tardy.

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