Michelangelo’s drawings on display in Amalfi

The town of Amalfi is hosting until 22 November an art exhibition devoted to Michelangelo, one of the greatest geniuses of the Renaissance period.
At the Antichi Arsenali della Repubblica, visitors will have the unique opportunity to see six drawings which undoubtedly represent a pivotal moment in Michelangelo’s early years and which no one should underestimate.

Two of these drawings are architectural projects (the façade for the church of San Lorenzo and a military fortification), while the third is the famous portrait of Queen Cleopatra which, after a careful restoration in 1988, has revealed unexpected truths about the Egyptian Queen (Cleopatra now looks far more distraught than she used to do).
The two last drawings however, show a group of young men in movement ( i.
a study meant for other artists an aspect of Michelangelo‘s career which is not well known by the public and deserves more attention) and an antique Venus which once again reveals Michelangelo’s talent for classical art.
This art exhibition is perfect for those of you who want to understand the finer points of the genius that is Michelangelo.

Michelangelo’s drawings on display at Amalfi

Written by Newshub.co.uk Unit

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